TIER announced as SDG Champion for 2023 by Irish Government

May 17, 2023

  • TIER announced as one of 26 Champions driving Ireland’s progress towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

  • SDG Champions act as advocates and promoters of the goals through showing best practice

  • TIER has adopted the UN SDGs as its sustainability framework, with 5 goals focused on in particular (Goals, 9,11,12,13 and 17)

TIER Mobility, the world’s largest shared micro-mobility provider, has been announced as one of the Irish Government’s 26 United Nations Sustainable Develop Goals (SDGs) Champions for 2023-2024.

Ireland’s SDG Champions Programme has run since 2019 with the aim of raising public awareness of the goals, as well as showcasing the work being carried out by the Champions to progress the SDGs and highlight practical ways organisations and individuals can contribute to reaching the goals.

More than 80 organisations applied to take part in the programme this year, emphasising the level of competition and how seriously sustainability is being taken by businesses in Ireland.

TIER adopted the United Nations’ SDGs as its sustainability framework in 2018, with a particular focus on Industry Innovation and Infrastructure, Sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production and climate action.

Peadar Golden, Ireland Country Manager, TIER, commented: “It is a great honour to be recognised as an SDG Champion by the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications. Since our launch in Ireland in 2021 we have been committed to demonstrating that dockless e-bikes and e-scooters can be safely integrated into people’s daily lives, offering a convenient alternative to the car for short trips. By making it easier to leave the car at home we can reduce CO2 emissions and congestion, helping to make our towns and cities nicer places to live and work.”

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You can find more information on the SDG Champions Programme here.

About TIER Mobility
TIER Mobility is the world's leading shared micro-mobility provider, with a mission to Change Mobility for Good. By providing people with its e-scooter, e-bike and pedal bike services, the company enables cities to create more sustainable environments and move towards a zero-emission future. Following the recent acquisitions of nextbike and Spin, TIER is now present in 560+ cities and communities in 31 countries with a fleet of more than 350,000 vehicles. This makes TIER the largest multimodal micro-mobility operator globally. With a focus on providing the safest, most equitable and most sustainable mobility solution, TIER has been climate neutral since 2020.

TIER’s investors include SoftBank Vision Fund 2, Mubadala Capital, Northzone, Goodwater Capital and White Star Capital. For more information, visit www.tier.app.