TIER Mobility announces Corporate Sustainability Strategy as data reveals it has replaced an estimated 48 million car km and avoids 8 million kg of CO2 emissions

October 20, 2022

TIER Mobility, the world's largest micro-mobility provider, is proud to release its Corporate Sustainability Strategy, setting the company's framework for action across the areas of emissions reduction, environmental protection, social responsibility and sustainable governance.

Developed through a deeply collaborative process involving virtually all departments across the company, the strategy defines five action areas where TIER can have the greatest impact on sustainable development:

  • Driving climate action
  • Closing resource loops
  • Shaping sustainable urban environments
  • Putting people first and
  • Embedding sustainability into supply chain management.

For each area, high-level objectives, tangible targets and key performance indicators were defined to allow for more transparency and the continuous tracking and evaluation of progress.

The climate extremes of late have reaffirmed our belief that we must take immediate action. That is why TIER has set some of the most ambitious goals across the industry: reducing scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% by 2026, increasing the share of recyclable materials across our vehicles to over 90% and achieving zero waste status in all our warehouses.

Since TIER’s founding, we have already made significant progress towards these goals and have created a lot of impact. To date TIER riders have collectively replaced more than 48 million kilometres of car trips. That's equivalent to savings of about 8 million kilograms of CO2 emissions, or about 8,376 plane trips from London to New York.

Our data found that Germany achieved the greatest shift from car trips to e-mobility journeys. Almost 25 million kilometres of car journeys were replaced in the 104 German regions TIER operates in, including Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart and Dortmund.

France, Sweden, Norway, and Poland recorded the next highest savings, collectively avoiding more than 2 million kilograms of carbon emissions. This equates to an individual taking 12,756 aeroplane trips from Stockholm to Warsaw.

Looking ahead, there is still much to be done. The corporate sustainability strategy outlines the road ahead for TIER and everyone in the company is looking forward to playing their part in changing mobility for good.

Lawrence Leuschner, CEO of TIER Mobility, said: “I set up TIER to change mobility for good by encouraging people to get out of their cars and use more sustainable transport options. I’m delighted to report that since our founding in 2018, we have made great progress on that journey. I really am proud of the difference we’re making to our cities - but we know there is still much more to be done.

“That’s why we’re introducing our Corporate Sustainability Strategy, which incorporates our core sustainability values into all aspects of decision-making, helping us to set measurable long-term goals and be more transparent about the progress of our mission.”

Ailin Huang, Head of Sustainability at TIER Mobility, said: “Promoting sustainable development is without doubt one of the most pressing challenges we face, which is why we have unveiled this new framework to ensure that TIER is performing to the highest standards in this area.

“As we look forward to implementing these new measures needed to reach our ambitious targets, we are also inviting our colleagues in the industry, city partners and policymakers to scale our actions and create enabling environments for widespread micro-mobility adoption. We can’t afford to compromise on sustainability.”